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Apple's AI-powered health coaching service, Quartz, to enhance wellness

Apple's new venture into the health and wellness sector is the AI-powered health coaching service, Quartz. This service utilizes machine learning to analyze user data, gathered from their Apple Watches, to provide tailored recommendations for better sleep quality, exercise routines, and eating habits. Despite Microsoft and Google's prominence in the AI space, Apple's continued investment in health and wellness is demonstrated through moves like Quartz and the acquisition of an AI startup. This signifies Apple's commitment to the industry and the potential for revenue growth in this area. Quartz's personalized coaching is made possible through its machine-learning algorithm, which identifies patterns and trends in the user's data. Based on the analysis, Quartz makes customized recommendations for the user's exercise, diet, and sleep habits. Additionally, Quartz is integrated with other Apple products and services, such as the Health app, allowing users to tra
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